Why District Home Pro

Whichever phase of the home-buying or home-selling process you find yourself, the information provided by District Home Pro reveals the strategic information you need to make decisions. District Home Pro is an inspection company that focuses on the whole health of the home. Sound weird? Maybe a little. But the truth is, a home is more than the parts that form a house. A home isn’t just the systems, but also how they work together. HVAC, ventilation, insulation, plumbing, and electrical systems interact in ways that you can’t always see. Few home buyers know where to look for signs about individual home system performance, let alone for how the systems work together. A professional inspection is your best reference for discovering as much about the home as you can before you buy, sell or invest.

Ease The Anxiety Of Home Buying

We are on your side. We’re not here to discourage you from buying a home, and we are not here to encourage you to buy any particular home. Instead, our job is to give you as much information a possible to help you make decisions. No home is perfect. There are always things to consider. But after an inspection from District Home Pro, you go into the sale or purchase of a home armed with knowledge about the home that few people have. You will more firmly understand how the structure and systems within homes normally perform.

What’s Involved In Our Inspection?

As we tour the property together, our inspectors share their impression of the property, which is based on the age, type, and condition of the house components as well as the quality of workmanship in the home. We’ll discuss the repairs it might need before or after you move in.

The report we provide includes pictures documenting the equipment and finishes, utility services, and condition of the building structure and roofing material, as well as copious notes from the conversation with our inspector. That’s what District Home Pro brings to its customers – a knowledge of the home that is both complete and impartial.

Informing Our Clients

At District Home Pro, we offer friendly and attentive home inspection services that will ease the uncertainty you may have regarding a prospective home purchase, enhancing your knowledge so that you’re able to make an informed buying decision.

Working With District Home Pro

Booking an inspection is easy. We communicate clearly so you know when to arrive and how to dress. We tour the home with you and provide answers to your questions and talk about your concerns. You may have questions about the inspection process, our presentation, paying for the inspection or what you should do with the results. Please refer to our FAQ page.

Contact Us!

We’re happy to answer any questions or schedule your inspection.